Rhodospirillaceae are a family within the order Rhodospirillales in the subclass of Alphaproteobacteria. The family Rhodospirillaceae, the so-called purple non-sulfur bacteria, have the type genus Rhodospirillum and embrace a total of 34 genera: Azospirillum, Caenispirillum, Constrictibacter, Defluviicoccus, Desertibacter, Dongia, Elstera, Ferrovibrio, Fodinicurvata, Inquilinus, Insolitispirillum, Limimonas, Magnetospira, Magnetospirillum, Magnetovibrio, Marispirillum, Nisaea, Novispirillum, Oceanibaculum, Pelagibius, Phaeospirillum, Phaeovibrio, Rhodocista, Rhodospira, Rhodospirillum, Pararhodospirillum, Rhodovibrio, Roseospira, Skermanella, Telmatospirillum, Thalassobaculum, Thalassospira, Tistlia, and Tistrella. According to 16S rRNA gen...
A characteristic feature of the order Rhodobacterales is the presence of a large number of photoauto...
Rho.do' vu.lum. Gr. n. rhodon rose; L. dim. n. ovulum small egg; M.L. neut. n. Rhodovulum small red ...
A characteristic feature of the order Rhodobacterales is the presence of a large number of photoauto...
The family Rhodobacteraceae can be considered a paradigm of modern taxonomy of prokaryotes. Taking i...
Rho.do.tha.las.si.a.ce'ae. N.L. neut. n. Rhodothalassium, type genus of the family; suff. -aceae, en...
The 16S rDNA sequence of Rhodospirillum mediosalinum was determined and compared with corresponding ...
Rho.do.tha.las'si.um. Gr. neut. n. rhodon, the rose; Gr. masc. adj. thalassios, belonging to the sea...
Rho' do.spi' ra. Gr. n. rhodon the rose; Gr. n. spira the spiral; M.L. fem. n. Rhodospira the rose s...
Rho.do.vi' bri.o. Gr. n. rhodon the rose; M.L. masc. n. Vibrio a bacterial genus; M.L. masc. n. Rhod...
Phylogenetic relationships within a group of budding purple nonsulfur bacteria of the genus Rhodopse...
Rho.do.pi'la. Gr. neut. n. rhodon the rose; N.L. fem. n. pila a ball or sphere; N.L. fem. n. Rhodopi...
Rho.do.pla'nes. Gr. neut. n. rhodon rose; Gr. masc. n. planos a wanderer; N.L. masc. n. Rhodoplanes ...
Rho.do.tha.las.si.a'les. N.L. neut. n. Rhodothalassium, type genus of the order; suff. -ales, ending...
Rho.do.pseu.do.mo' nas. Gr. n. rhodon the rose; M.L. fem. n. Pseudomonas a bacterial genus; M.L. fem...
Pa.ra.rho.do.spi.ril'lum. Gr. pref. para-, beside, alongside of, near, like; N.L. neut. n. Rhodospir...
A characteristic feature of the order Rhodobacterales is the presence of a large number of photoauto...
Rho.do' vu.lum. Gr. n. rhodon rose; L. dim. n. ovulum small egg; M.L. neut. n. Rhodovulum small red ...
A characteristic feature of the order Rhodobacterales is the presence of a large number of photoauto...
The family Rhodobacteraceae can be considered a paradigm of modern taxonomy of prokaryotes. Taking i...
Rho.do.tha.las.si.a.ce'ae. N.L. neut. n. Rhodothalassium, type genus of the family; suff. -aceae, en...
The 16S rDNA sequence of Rhodospirillum mediosalinum was determined and compared with corresponding ...
Rho.do.tha.las'si.um. Gr. neut. n. rhodon, the rose; Gr. masc. adj. thalassios, belonging to the sea...
Rho' do.spi' ra. Gr. n. rhodon the rose; Gr. n. spira the spiral; M.L. fem. n. Rhodospira the rose s...
Rho.do.vi' bri.o. Gr. n. rhodon the rose; M.L. masc. n. Vibrio a bacterial genus; M.L. masc. n. Rhod...
Phylogenetic relationships within a group of budding purple nonsulfur bacteria of the genus Rhodopse...
Rho.do.pi'la. Gr. neut. n. rhodon the rose; N.L. fem. n. pila a ball or sphere; N.L. fem. n. Rhodopi...
Rho.do.pla'nes. Gr. neut. n. rhodon rose; Gr. masc. n. planos a wanderer; N.L. masc. n. Rhodoplanes ...
Rho.do.tha.las.si.a'les. N.L. neut. n. Rhodothalassium, type genus of the order; suff. -ales, ending...
Rho.do.pseu.do.mo' nas. Gr. n. rhodon the rose; M.L. fem. n. Pseudomonas a bacterial genus; M.L. fem...
Pa.ra.rho.do.spi.ril'lum. Gr. pref. para-, beside, alongside of, near, like; N.L. neut. n. Rhodospir...
A characteristic feature of the order Rhodobacterales is the presence of a large number of photoauto...
Rho.do' vu.lum. Gr. n. rhodon rose; L. dim. n. ovulum small egg; M.L. neut. n. Rhodovulum small red ...
A characteristic feature of the order Rhodobacterales is the presence of a large number of photoauto...